Investment Portfolio: How to Build a Good one


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A good investment portfolio demands having a proper combination of asset classes and having different risks. While the intention of the investor lies exclusively on maximizing revenue. Careful

For you to achieve the best result in building an investment portfolio, you will need to create a more concrete plan. One whose focus is directed on acknowledging the risk that surrounds your various investment styles.


More or less, Investment portfolio and portfolio management are interrelated. This statement is true in its real sense because in finance a collection of different assets means creating a portfolio.

Therefore, the collection of this pool of assets necessitates portfolio management.

building portfolio

Investment Portfolio

An investment portfolio is a pool of financial assets selected by an investor as a measure to increase investment revenue.

Those pools of assets include all financial securities, cash equivalents, money market, instruments, and more.

To build a good investment portfolio the investor has to take drastic measures and think critically.

This is in other to avoid losing it all resulting from the wrong selection of asset classes. Below are ways to build;

1. Take the best investment strategy

When planning to build an investment portfolio choose or formulate a strategy that will help your investment goals.

Think of the buy-and-hold as one of the best investment strategies as it utilizes a long-term plan. With this style of investing, you could be able to cover up every risk that arises within the long period.

You will be able to understand and manage your portfolio as well. Therefore, as you think of collecting those different assets classes, also think of the formula that can make your goals more achievable

2. Collect assets as they relate

This is very necessary, building a good investment portfolio is not about selecting assets out of the imagination. It is mostly as it relates to making diversification easy.

For instance, you may decide to build a pool of assets to implement the buy-and-hold strategy. You will have to look out for assets of dissimilar classes so that you can manage them alongside.

Assets like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds could go in line with each other. Again, when selecting these assets keep in mind your level of risk tolerance and your goals for investing.


3. Think of easy diversification

When you opt to build an investment portfolio also think of easy diversification. You can easily diversify unrelated assets like stock, bond,s and mutual funds.

Do this so that your portfolio will not contain one correlated asset. For instance, if you choose to invest in different securities, you can do it using different companies.

This is diversification because when one of the company’s price fails you can gain with the other company.

In another instance, when you decided to build your portfolio by investing in one asset using a different company, this becomes a risky decision.

Building a good investment portfolio using diversification as a means of reducing risk and gaining more income entails:

(a) Collection of assets according to different classes like; bond, stock, and cash.

(b) Collection of assets within assets class; only stock or only bond)

(c) Collection of assets away from asset classes like; properties, debentures, insurance contract,s and more.

There again when you invest in stock alone using different companies you might also lose when the price of stock fails generally for all companies.

Therefore, to achieve good diversification you will have to invest in assets according to different classes of cash, stock, and bond while using different companies.

You can also extend the diversification to investing in assets away from asset classes. Diversification is very important in building an investment portfolio because it helps to increase your level of risk tolerance.

More especially to an investor who displays an aggressive level. It also decreases the negative result of one investment on the overall portfolio.

4.  Your level of risk tolerance

The height of your risk tolerance is another factor that can help you build a good investment portfolio. This means how much you are willing to accept risk.

If you are determined, you can seek advice from experts they will enlighten you that sometimes risk can be inevitable.

At this, all you have to do is to access your level of risk tolerance and put in your best.  


Nevertheless, if you pay attention to aggressiveness, not relenting could be the best odd.

This is because a high level of risk tolerance could help an investor build a good portfolio due to time horizon.

You may experience a loss and quickly give up or experience it and learn from your failure to keep moving.

5. Prioritize your goals with a time target

Your goal of becoming an investor is to build an investment that will fetch you income. When making decisions about your investment goals prioritize your time.

Acknowledging that long-term or short-term can also contribute to the success or failure of your investment.

An expert will advise you that a long-term goal will require your patience. Meanwhile, this can be more favorable.

While short-term investing may not help your investment, as you may not survive fluctuations within the limited period.

6. Where to channel your assets

To build a good Investment portfolio you will need to invest using different companies.

Bundling your whole assets in one company is like hatching your eggs in one basket and you understand what this means.

When eventually the basket falls the whole egg will smash and you will have to start again. This could be heartbroken because you will lose your money, time,,, and energy.

Therefore, having assets in different companies could help you boost your risk tolerance. (When one company loses you could gain with the other company). It could help you beat challenges and meet success.

7. Understand your investment options

Another aspect that can help you build a good investment portfolio is your investment option. How do you pick your investments?

Good knowledge of how each investment works is very important at this point because poor understanding is risky.

Investment options such as stocks, mutual funds, ETF Bonds, real estate,,, and more have their different risk and method of investment. You need to study each of your assets before you embark on building your portfolio.

Why build an investment portfolio

There is a specific reason why an investor may choose to collect different assets. After all every investor is aspiring to reach financial independence.

It may be to have a means of gaining more financial income or to have something to rely on at the age of retirement.

It could also be to support revenue generation. Collecting different assets could help you maintain your financial income level.

This means when one asset performs poorly or fails then you could leverage the other to gain the loss.

Factors that can Shape your Investment Portfolio

1. Your wiliness to accept risk and maintain consistency in your decision to reach goals (You need a high level of risk tolerance)

2. The time you allocate to a particular portfolio (Deciding on a long-term duration can make a good impact)

3. How you choose to diversify your assets to minimize risk can pave the way to gaining huge revenue.

Bottom line

Below are some important words or phrases to help you gain more understanding of this post as used in the content.

A financial asset is in the form of liquid assets (non-physical) whose worth is derived from the constitutional right or ownership claim.

Examples of financial assets you can collect for your portfolio are;

Cash equivalent, Stock, Mutual fund, Dividend, Bank deposit, Exchange-traded fund, Commodities, Land, insurance contracts,

Asset Classes are a collection or selection of assets that share the same features, which by law display related rules and regulations.

The level of risk tolerance is the height at which you are willing to accept the worst outcome of your investment result.

Diversification is investing in more than one asset at a time so that when one asset fails the other is used to cover the loss.

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