Investment Decision-Making Process


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The process of starting any investment deal or committing any fund to a project begins with decision making. It involves making a critical plan of where and how to allocate fund.

Finding out the various options available, market trends and risk associated with such investments. After the findings, it goes on to take the shape of implementing the conclusion by taking the steps of investment decision making process.

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What are the Investment Decision-Making Process?

Understanding what investment decision making process is all about may be confusing without first analyzing what investment decision and investment decision making is.

What is investment decision?

It is a careful consideration and preference on how to allocate fund to a project that may run into long-term or short-term duration. The main goal is to achieve financial objectives. Investment decision has its key factor as:

1. Assessing different investment methods

Take into consideration the various assets available, the amount of capital needed to start and the return on investment (ROI). That is not all the duration of commitment before payback period, tax payment and other expenses.

2. Understanding the risk involved

Evaluate the particular risk associated with each investment option and try to figure out how to avoid or minimize it. In a bid to lessen risk map out measures to monitor market trends. If the risk is compatible with the investors level of risk tolerance then the need to diversify if necessary.

3. Finding out the rewards

Consider the importance of investing according to your financial level, how to monitor investment performance to ensure progress. What are the reward to any particular investment and how possible it is to achieve these goals?

What is investment decision making?

Investment decision making is more than a careful consideration or preference. It includes making findings and gathering information’s on various investment options, potential returns and risk. Then finally arrives to a conclusion. The key aspects of investment decision making to look at are:

1. Risk tolerance and assessment

Investment decision making prioritize risk as one of the key factor when conveyed in quantitative or qualitative terms. It is important to assess within you how much you are willing to accept loss. This can help you make findings on possible solutions.

You can decide to invest on a long-term especially if your risk tolerance level is conservative. With this you could be able to avoid incurring much losses which may affect both capital and profit.

2. Formulating strategies

You need to formulate a guideline like a plan on how and where to channel your decision making. It includes how you intend to select your assets, and what type of assets.

Weather you will build a portfolio of investments and what classes of assets to diversify. Your strategy is primarily and fundamentally to acquire more revenue while avoiding possible risk.  

3. Assets diversification

Diversification of assets helps in minimizing risk, this is another key factor in investment decision making. When you think of risk tolerance you try to achieve the required level by diversifying your investments. Your decision making includes finding out different investments that can diversify with the other and what level of risk each one has.

5. Time Horizon

Another factor to consider in decision making is time prospect, the extent of time you decide on investing. Deciding on a long-term investment can accelerate your investment objectives and help you become more acquainted with your plan.  

Investment Decision-Making process

Investment decision making process encompasses a whole lot of things that takes typical steps involving both decision and decision making. It combines both and involves a more practical step to achieving result. Below are the processes:


1. Understand your objectives

The first step in the process is identifying your main purpose for investing. Different investors have different investment goals but every goals point towards earning more money.

Identifying your objectives could help you channel your decision making appropriately. Furthermore, when identifying your objectives also bear in mind your capacity in funding.

Your level of ability in accepting risk and how long you intend to invest. Considering all these will help you make critical decisions about your investment.

2. Make findings and analysis

When you have defined your objectives, which is your purpose in starting a project. The next step is to conduct research and gather enough information based on your particular choice of investment.

You can as well deviate and verify other investment opportunities, find out how those investments perform with regards to market trends. Decide the industry regulations and other areas that support your options.

3. Evaluate various risk and rewards

The third step will guard you in making decision on supposed risks that comes with your choice of investment or any other option. For instance how the rules and regulation are amended within time.

How stock market price fluctuates, how the countries situation may favors your investment return. So you also channel your direction of decision on these.

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4. Create Investment strategy

Real investors formulate principles that guide them in decision making, which help them in achieving investment goals.  The next plan is to formulate investment strategies that align with your various findings and information’s.

One that also matches your level of risk tolerance and will enable you acquire more revenue to increase investments.  When creating investment strategies also consider the possibility of building a portfolio and diversifying your assets across classes and sectors.

5. Formulate investment requirements

You cannot just be selecting investment opportunities, simply because it seems achievable. You will have to set a criteria or requirements that each investment must meet before committing fund.

For instance, the financial performance metrics and valuation ratios and future prospect in terms of growth. Setting a target would give you an insight of what to expect in terms of risk and possible returns.  

Formulating investment requirements is a way of helping decision making process more regulated.  

6. Evaluate the investment background

It is not enough to just select an investment option, but after doing this you still need to perform some background checks. For instance you need to assess the company and the managerial activities.

Check out their internal services as well as compliance to laws and regulations. Also look into how assets classes could fit within portfolio.

Make a good assessment before concluding finanly in your investment decision. This is simply conducting a first-hand research and an act of carefulness to lessen risk.

7. Regular performance review

Your final step in investment decision making process is to frequently check the performance of your investment.

Every investor’s objective is to achieve success in investment. This expectation is accompanied by several factors such as constantly supervising the activities of your investments.

Keeping an eye on its performance against your objectives and know when to divert an investment. Keep monitoring market changes in price, industry developments and any other factor that might obstruct progress.

Finally, make adjustments where necessary within your portfolio all this to ensure your investment objectives is reached.


Decision making connotes every sphere of any investment deals and investors needs to go through decision making process before committing fund.

Investment decision making process can be compounded. It requires a continuous adaptation to market trends and other factors that could help investment progress.

Although it starts with investment decision to investment decision making, define your reason for investing and finally making the investment.

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