How to Invest in Stock: Beginners guide

How to Invest in Stock

Are you planning to establish an investment and among the various types, you have chosen stock investment? Then as a beginner you must learn how to invest in stock, this is the first step to take. Let us understand what stock is According to Collins Dictionary, Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company … Read more

10 Save Money Live Better Tips to Follow

save money live better

“Save money live better”. This is Walmart’s slogan emphasizing the need to offer low-cost on high-quality goods. Walmart was trying to drive home an important message to clients. That offering them consistently low prices on assorted goods will further expand their money. It will give them the opportunity to buy enough goods that will enable … Read more

How to Get Funding From Angel Investors

How to Get Funding From Angel Investors

A business owner having less capital at hand would want to know how to get funding from Angel investors.  One way of doing this is to find and connect with investors. You will need to conduct thorough research before embarking on it. Carrying out some findings is the first step to take. This includes having … Read more

10 Best Ways to Save Money During Inflation

Save Money during Inflation

Two of the best ways to save money during inflation; first is to make sure to budget every expense. The second is, finding other ways to supplement your income. Generally, during inflation, the price of goods and services rises. This makes it difficult for the residents of such a country to save from their earnings. … Read more

Angel Investor vs. Venture Capitalist: How They Differ

Angel Investor vs. Venture Capitalist

Angel Investor vs Venture Capitalist: in this article, we are going to compare the differences and also look at the resemblance. For most investment start-ups, sourcing funds could be challenging but they are two prominent ways to sort it out. Angel investors vs. venture capitalists, both provide funds to start-up firms at an early stage. … Read more

30 Financial Analyst Interview Questions

Financial Analyst Interview Questions

In this article, we have enlisted 30 financial analyst interview questions which also include answers. This is to help an individual who is aspiring to build a career as a financial analyst. In our previous article on “how to become a financial analyst” we enlisted what is required to become one. Now if we assume … Read more

10 Best Long-Term Investment Strategies

Long-Term Investment Strategies

If you are planning to invest in financial assets with the intention to hold them for a longer period then you must apply a long-term investment strategy that works. There are several things that come to mind when the thought of making investment crisps into your mind. Among them is whether you are investing for … Read more